Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy
How is it used?
Clients seeking Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) meet with me for an initial intake where we assess for someone’s clinical eligibility and goodness of fit for Ketamine treatments. This involves an initial intake session, questionnaires and assessments, and possible consultation with other therapists or supports within the clients life. The client is referred out to partnering physicians who then perform a medical intake to assess medical appropriateness for the medication. If approved and after medications have been prescribed the clients will connect with me to schedule their “medicine sessions.”
These medicine sessions take place in a condensed 6-session protocol. Clients schedule two two-hour sessions over the course of 3 weeks, with integration after the 6 sessions, or one two-hour session each week with the potential for more frequent integration sessions in between. The two hours comprise an initial phase of intention setting, the experience itself, and then a time of integration after ward where the client processes the experience.
These sessions take place in a relatively condensed period of time in order to maximize the cumulative effect of the medicine. After the medicine sessions are completed the client returns for a final Integration Session where they process the insights, experiences, and new awareness that came from the medicine sessions, and what sort of next steps may feel best for the client afterward.